Custody battles feel like soaps should not voluntary sign up for yet get a ringside seat to watch and be entertained. Think of them as chess games in the rain; strategy, spectacle, and some unpredictable moves.
Now for the visual peeps out there… Currently, there are two parents who were once together are now apart on opposite sides of the courtroom. Each has a lawyer and dreams, roughly equivalent to the cost of postponing that last dream holiday they booked. It is not for the faint of heart as the process seems far more complicated than disentangling a skein of yarn when a kitten plays with it.
Emotions run high, drifting like a kite on a windy day. One minute you feel hopeful; the next you are anxious which is kind of like a cat during his first rainstorm. There is no escaping custody litigation. It fills your every thought, until you go crazy and start digging for some half-assed desire in the hope that the judge may look favourably in your direction. One just has to cross your fingers for a sympathetic ear rather than one clawing to get exiting the same way he had come in.
Then think about the tiny people born of this catastrophe. In fact, these miraculous minuscule homo sapiens are holding on tight to the maelstrom that is going on outside. They are, as we all know, far more perceptive than we give them credit for or we care to admit. Whatever they see or hear becomes a part of their emotional memory. Watching over them means putting out not just small, but metaphorical fires lit by every gust of stress-induced wind.
Navigating the abundance of free help and resources that are made available to you might test your ability to sift through and find any legitimate relevant information. The days when it seemed impossible to tell where the emotional obstruction might come from are… well, for most people, those days are still here.
As a person with a software issue Earlier, you were told who was in this article, kept must have been “metaphorical little children” or toddlers as they are referred to in the title (5–6 years old is a sort of like if you were to have trouble reading thi