Hey, yogi friend! Ready to conquer the arm balance that eludes all of us? Let’s explore the Crow Pose, otherwise called “Bakasana.” It’s a crazy headstand on arm muscles. Got it learn more here? No sweat, you’ll be flying soon if you just put in a little practice and a touch of humor.
And to begin, get a good foundation. Place your hands on the mat so they are shoulder width apart and then spread your fingers for extra stability.
Now, bend like a frog back before the jump. Find someplace for those knees too. Imagine, as if you are seeing your first picture of toothless newborn baby laughter.
Pull your core in as if you are ready to laugh really loud.Hush…your abs I Finally, get super balanced, feet off & your hands taking all the weight can only work if you really give enough leg lift and raising your feet off the ground once you take the full weight on your hand. A little wobbly? Don’t worry, it’s quite normal.
If you fall over, welcome to the club! It’s all part of the process. Lay down a blanket or soft pillow in front of you so you have a smooth landing. Remember, falling is another part of learning.
There will be days where the progress will amaze and others where it seems unattainable. Stick with it, if you make it fun and keep your composure Celebrate the wins no matter how small because every time you get off the ground, you are advancing!