Dive into Maui’s Whale Wonderland

Whales, the Oceanic Dancer “Over there, look!” said a voice excitedly. Nearby, the humpback whale broke through water and into sky, making a huge splash against Maui’s crystal-blue canvas. They look just like ballet dancers on the sea, twirling with elegance and singing sorrowfully as their tunes echo through waves. These clever beasts can grow up to 52 feet long and weigh around 30 tons. That’s the size of a bus, but it moves through water with grace. If you’re looking for the best whale watching in Maui, visit Dive Maui for more info.

In Maui’s winter, you won’t find many people sipping Mai Tais on the beach. No, this the prime time for whale watching. From December to April, these mighty creatures make their annual pilgrimage south. They spend much of the year in ice-cold Alaskan waters and then come to Hawaii to mate and settle into warmer climates than those icy expanses they’ve known since birth. Picture perfect for the burgeoning family.

So, get your binoculars, get aboard a boat and keep a sharp eye out. For here, the adventure is as engrossing as hunting for treasure. Sometimes you don’t need the binoculars — these oceanic titans tend to jump up near a boat to play, some mere meters away from its front bow. Could there be a more intimate way of getting to know nature? But okay, maybe not too personal –unless you want to get hit by a fine spray!

Earlier in the year, my cousin and I decided to get our feet wet and went whale watching. Once on board, our guide was an enthusiastic marine biologist with face kissed by the sun and oodles of tattoos featuring whales and cetaceans. There were wonderful stories about these magnificent creatures. My ears enjoyed tales of moms teaching baby whales how to jump. (She described this as a whale version of bed jumping.) It was more than enough to make us smile.

If boats are your thing just like mine, maybe you can try out a kayak. Paddling that tiny craft in the giant’s theater makes one feel gloriously small indeed. But be careful—maintaining your balance or even sitting upright is quite a challenge when faced with bumpy roads such as these waves. Yet oh, what electrifying joy when a whale comes to the top close by, gracefully twirling for your heart’s delight. Surfing everywhere from horizon to setting sun.

No landlubber need miss out on the show. Parks such as McGregor Point Lookout offer excellent vantage points where you have a wide panorama of the ocean theater; patience, an ally that we sometimes forget, plays a vital role here in watching from afar.

Go big or go home, as the saying goes. Maybe take a sunset cruise for that added edge of Mother Nature’s beauty. With all the whales at twirling in an ethereal combination of fiery orange and pitch black, it sets a magical mood. At this moment, life stops; the heart is quiet in an endless haven.

Maui’s whale watching is something more than a trip, it moves the soul. Feel every splash and each song, as a theater of the sea boasting natural miracles. Bring with you your enthusiasm, those anti-seasickness pills (you never know!), a sense of fun. You’re on board for a real giant journey!

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